在2020年秋天, 一个由来自全国各地经验丰富的研究管理人员组成的NCURA“同行评审”团队, 对100多名教员进行了一系列采访, 研究人员, 研究所中心/主任和行政人员. 作为这个努力的结果, 审查小组向澳门新葡新京官方的领导层提供了澳门官方老葡京研究支持和外部资助项目的反馈,并分享了澳门新葡新京官方在寻求改善研究支持和管理时可能考虑的建议和国家最佳实践. 审稿人准备了一份114页的报告,其中包括140多项建议,从需要大量机构投资的大型项目(例如.e., “Fill current vacancies; assess long term staffing needs”) to others that are quick fixes (“post the subaward matrix to the ORSP website”).
报告全文已上载于此,请参阅(链接在这里),并概述已确定的有待改善之处, 建议和计划的回应抄在下面.
优先区域 | 建议 |
ORSP人员 | Prioritize central staffing and resources - Prioritize staffing centrally; Identify short, medium and long term staffing needs to support research/externally funded priorities; prepare a salary study to identify appropriate salary levels for the staff within ORSP to ensure competitive salaries and benefits are provided in relation to the Boston area. |
单位人员编制及结构 | 优先考虑单位资源和角色、责任和监督. 制定协调整个校园研究管理的框架. 在这个框架上构建, 根据职称对整个大学的科研管理人员进行评估, 功能, 确保部门管理者得到适当的监督,并从公平的角度负责研究管理矩阵中的活动——如果不是重新评估和改变结构的话. Require participation of their research personnel for scheduled training and networking opportunities; ensure full support for researchers. |
定期传达研究的重要性和期望 | 研究任务的沟通-校长和教务长将提供明确和定期的信息,说明澳门新葡新京官方研究的重要性和期望. VPR和院长将定期发布澳门官方老葡京研究作用的信息, 根据每个学科和教员的情况而定. |
研究开发 | Workshops; 培训; Identification of funding opportunities; Professional Development; Increase seed funding and incentives - explore, 有教师的参与, 重点研讨会的范围和类型将是有益的. 应考虑简短的演讲(30-50分钟)和演讲者的资格. Collaboration with the Office of 教师 Development will be beneficial; developing a year-long plan for offering workshops and such a plan should demonstrate regularity and consistency in key offerings; identify areas of faculty interest for which there are current federal funding opportunities and explore planning workshops focusing on these areas. |
Kuali | Prioritize Kuali implementation; Critical assessment of Kuali - Continue to prioritize implementation of Kuali 研究. 考虑到研究企业的规模和复杂性, 通过电子邮件管理提案的开发和提交, 手动输入奖项对ORSP来说是一个巨大的挑战. Kuali 研究的实施将减少人工录入数据的数量,节省工作人员的时间,减少错误,并将研究合规功能与奖励信息联系起来. Ensure long-term plan for supporting any IT related needs that arise after implementation; Critically assess the Kuali 研究 system’s ability to collect key data that reflects research activity metrics. 鉴于澳门新葡新京官方对研究的日益关注,这将变得至关重要. |
财务管理 | Establish expectations to help faculty fiscally manage their projects; provide reports and training - establish standard business practices to help faculty fiscally manage their projects (and identify any central or unit staff responsible); define who holds responsibility for training in the use of Summit and implement training regularly for existing and new users; provide faculty regular accurate grant reporting from PeopleSoft or Summit, 包括项目经理和其他协助奖后管理的员工的烧钱率. |
报告 | Needs assessment for data reporting; develop and implement key metrics; Monthly reporting; reporting to PIs- burn rates. 与学院合作, 中心和研究所评估需求,确定定期数据报告的范围和深度. Develop a system for tracking and reporting key performance metrics; push out sponsored programs activity reports monthly to the Deans, 主任和领导保持研究活动的可见性,并允许关键的学术领导认识到目前正在进行的活动. |
教师 | 创建教师咨询委员会——组建一个由资深研究活跃教师组成的研究活跃教师咨询委员会. 这将使受政策影响的小组能够直接提供额外的教员意见, 程序, 以及与研究企业相关的实践. 这个小组可以提出各种问题,影响他们寻求资金和管理资金的能力. |